Home Jonas februari 16, 2024
TRANSPORT, åkeri, trailer, dragbil, linehaul TPL 3PL linjetrafik inom sverige

WLX sees the future today. We are constantly working for a better environment and delivery reliability. With our real-time online service management, we can predict what will happen tomorrow. This ensures that our transports are always on the move.


We tailor transports to customer needs. WLX has 24/7 traffic management and is constantly working for more efficient transportation for both the environment and delivery reliability.

Delivery Security

WLX uses MB Fleet Board to ensure that our fleet of vehicles is in good health & always on the move, this ensures that our transports arrive on time.


WLX focuses on creating the most efficient and environmentally friendly transports in the market. This benefits both our environment and optimizes our customers’ costs.


Express Line Haul

WLX WeLink Express performs express linehaul, TPL, and line transports throughout Sweden with tow trucks and trailers.

Departure terminal
Arriving terminal

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